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Sponsorship Information


Central Chesterfield Little League (CCLL) is a Co-Sponsored Chesterfield County non-profit youth sports organization located in Chesterfield, VA. As a league we have several hundred families and players enrolled for our spring and fall baseball seasons. The league has games and practices at our four fields from March through October of each year. Our games are attended by family members and community leaders throughout the Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Petersburg and Fort Lee area.

Central Chesterfield Little League community sponsors play a vital role in the operations of our league. Nonprofit youth sports leagues, such as Central Chesterfield Little league, operate through a great deal of community volunteerism. Our sponsors enable the league to operate in several different ways; supplying baseball equipment for players, field maintenance, general operating cost for the league and keeping registration fees as low as possible.

Central Chesterfield Little League has several sponsorship packages to choose from. Sponsorship packages range from as little as $500 to as much as $1,500, and higher for major sponsors. In support of our community sponsors the league’s sponsorship packages include advertising banners at the fields (paid for by CCLL), company name and logo on our webpage, participation at our opening day ceremonies and social media announcement of sponsorship. The league will customize a package that best fits your ability to sponsor and the interest of your organization. In addition, the league is always looking for items that we can auction or raffle at our fundraising events. 

We have several sponsorship opportunities available:

  • Grand Slam ($1,500) – Your company name and logo displayed on two 4’x8’ banners with one banner in one of our most prominent locations at our fields, your company name and logo on the league website, league social media announcement of sponsorship and the opportunity to host a booth at our opening day and championship day events.  
  • Homerun ($1,000) – Your company name and logo displayed on two field 4’x8’ banners, your company name and logo on the league website, league social media announcement of sponsorship and the opportunity to host a booth at our opening day and championship day events.   
  • Triple ($500) – Your company name and logo displayed on a 4’x8’ banner, your company name and logo placed on the league website and league social media announcement of sponsorship
  • Single (contribution of any amount) – your company name and logo listed on the website

Banners are supplied by Central Chesterfield Little League at no cost to your organization. We ask that you provide your company name, logo and phone number so we can produce these banners for you. CCLL is a not for profit charitable organization, all contributions are tax deductible. Invoice and league tax ID number will be provided for all sponsorship levels. 

On behalf of all of our kids and families, the Central Chesterfield Little League Board of Directors would like to thank you for your support, and we would be delighted if you are able to identify a sponsorship program that not only matches your budget but your heart as well.

If you are interested in a Central Chesterfield Little League Sponsorship, please complete our 2025 Sponsorship Application.

Please contact Joe Mayes at (804) 931-7225 or [email protected] with questions.

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