The Little League culture is one of Volunteer Parents working together to provide a wonderful experience for our Children. Every position within the league from Field Maintenance to Board of Directors is a volunteer position. The only paid help in the league are some of the adult umpires and a couple of teenagers to help in Concessions. We URGE you to get involved with the league or with your team, and there are tons of ways to make a contribution with a level of commitment that’s right for you. Without the help of committed volunteers – folks just like YOU – there is no Little League. So please consider getting involved!
Several Volunteer positions involve recurring activities throughout the season, allowing you to interact with the players, coaches and parents.
- Manager - Responsible for drafting and managing a team throughout the season
- Coach - Assists the Manager
- Team Parent - Assists the Manager with many of the organizational tasks, including things like Fund Raisers, Snack Schedules, Picture Day Coordination, Uniform Sizing, etc.
- Score Keeper - Tracks the happenings of the game and keeps pitch counts for the Manager
- Event Committee – Helps manage Opening Day, administers the fund raiser, and coordinates a variety of projects.
- Grounds & Maintenance Committee - Helps keep the fields in top shape
- Board Member - Take on a specific role to help run the league. Have a vote in important decisions regarding the direction of the league.
We also have need for assistance on short-term projects.
- Player Assessment – We need volunteers to staff the registration table, as well as to coordinate players through their tryouts on the field
- Field Maintenance Day– We hold two days before the season to get the Fields in tip-top shape for the kids
- Opening Day– Volunteers staff the various activities, raffle tables, and a variety of other demands of an exciting day
Please go to our CHILD PROTECTION PROGRAM page to see our list of Adult Volunteer Mandatory Requirements.