Incentive Program

Central Chesterfield Little League is a non-profit organization. The league relies heavily on community volunteerism but there are also many costs associated with running the league.  Sponsorships help to offset the costs to the league and participants such as uniforms, equipment, umpires, and field maintenance.

CCLL Sponsorship Incentive Program

To promote league sponsorships, we provide an incentive for league members to recruit a sponsor for the league.  Sponsors can sign up online Here.  This is a great opportunity, so please help us share news of this program so many can take advantage of it!

There are four levels to the CCLL sponsorship incentive program that offers a full or partial refund based upon the amount sponsored.  

Incentive Program Details 

  • Triple ($500 up to $999): $50 discount or refund for one player. 
  • Homerun ($1,000 up to $1,499): Complete waiving or refund of entire registration fee for one player.
  • Grand Slam (1,500 up to $2,499): Complete waiving or refund of entire registration fees for up two players.
  • Perfect Game ($2,500 or higher): Complete waiving or refund of entire registration fees for up to four players.

Incentive Program Guidelines  

  • Sponsor must be directly referred to league sponsorship coordinator.
  • Referral can be done via email or phone call by league member making the referral to league sponsorship coordinator.
  • The sponsorship coordinator can meet and work with potential sponsors to finalize sponsorship level.
  • CCLL must be in receipt of payment from sponsor prior to any discount or refund applied.
  • League members that own their own business or directly manage a business are eligible for this program.
  • All sponsors are subject to approval by CCLL Board of Directors.

Any questions on the incentive program can be made directly to the league Sponsorship Manager, Joe Mayes.  He can be reached via email at or by phone/text at (804) 931-7225.